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Metatron Well Being
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METATRON REMOTE® Health Diagnostic Therapy System
Metatron WellBeing Upgraded By Medicomat Ltd For Remote Mode
The Institute of Practical Psychophysics has recently introduced the WellBeing program, which focuses on the analysis of dysfunctional changes in the body and the evaluation of health reserves using nonlinear analysis techniques.
To enhance the capabilities of the Metatron WellBeing system, the patent-protected and trademarked upgrade called METATRON REMOTE has been developed. This upgrade allows for remote health scanning and treatment from any distance. All the functions and features of the advanced Metatron WellBeing bioresonance system are fully accessible in remote mode. Additionally, the upgraded Metatron WellBeing can be used either locally with headsets or remotely. The METATRON REMOTE set includes the original packaging of the Metatron WellBeing system and the Medicomat quantum remote devices. Buy the METATRON REMOTE |
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Just submit your personal details and you will receive a health report within hours. Required personal details that determines your Quantum-ID are: name, gender, date of birth, blood type, address, phone. |
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Demonstration of the original Well Being program:
This technology provides us with the means to comprehend the intricate nature of the multidimensional human organism, which possesses boundless potential for healing and personal growth. The key lies in harnessing the individual's internal reserves to combat external and pathogenic influences, fortifying the protective functions of the body rather than weakening them.
Through the employment of the hardware-software system "Metatron" and its "WellBeing" program, it becomes possible to identify and address the underlying causes of various conditions, including helminth, microbial, fungal, viral factors, allergens, heavy metals, and radionuclides. Furthermore, this system enables the creation of a tailored correction program utilizing homeopathic remedies, botanical preparations, nutraceuticals, and dietary choices. In real-time, the system is capable of rectifying the functional state of specific organs or tissues by optimizing their entropy-informational equilibrium.
The comprehensive WellBeing program integrates novel advancements from the West with the wisdom accumulated over thousands of years from the East. It encompasses the evaluation of energy centers, chakras, 14 Chinese meridians, acupuncture points located on the extremities, the auricle, and fiducial points on the iris of the eye.

The "Metatron" hardware and software system, along with the "WellBeing" software, is an optimal solution in terms of functionality, configuration, and cost. It incorporates all the latest advancements from the Institute of Practical Psychophysics, including:
1. The 12-point Fleindler scale, which enables the assessment of catabolic processes.
2. A new entrovisor visualization of the affected area, represented by a solid fill based on the Fleindler scale.
3. A pseudo-3D visualization system with over 100 new organ models.
4. An updated version of the report form (protocol).
5. Automatic generation of reports (protocols).
6. A quick selection function for standard sections.
7. Classification of process stages in entropy analysis.
8. Graphical display of etalons based on criteria such as anabolic/catabolic and dry/neutral/wet.
9. Improved mathematical model for data processing from the apparatus.
10. Enhanced algorithms for lesion localization, considering the type of process (anabolic/catabolic).
11. A new system for evaluating tissue proliferation in young patients.
12. Backup functionality for the patient database to external media (flash drives, external hard drives).
These features make the "Metatron" system with "WellBeing" software a comprehensive and efficient solution for various practical psychophysics applications.

The NLS diagnosis mentioned here is prenosological, meaning it can detect the early stages of a pathological process using entropy analysis.
This diagnostic system allows for the assessment of the internal entropy level of a biological object. It can simulate all possible phase states, ranging from the most stable to the most unstable, and express them in terms of statistical coefficients on the Fleindler color-coded scale.
The system also enables the evaluation of how nutrition and the environment impact the functional state of the organism. It takes into account various biological stresses that are often overlooked by clinicians. NLS systems not only identify these stresses as factors in a patient's illness, but also have the ability to eliminate them.
In the field of information medicine, the objective of treatment is not to achieve a neutral state, but rather to attain optimal health. This allows individuals to experience a change in their quality of life and live to their fullest potential, utilizing all the capabilities of their body and mind.
Specialized versions of this program have been developed for the Japanese and Chinese markets, providing support for the respective languages and a national database of standards.

Please see the Metatron System Comparison for further information.
Just submit your personal details and you will receive a health report within hours. Required personal details that determines your Quantum-ID are: name, gender, date of birth, blood type, address, phone. |
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Metatron Software:
![]() METAPATHIA HOSPITALThe best and the latest «Metapathia Hospital» bioresonance program is based on the «Metapathia GR Clinical» program and includes all its capabilities, etalons and functions. |
![]() INTRUDERThe «Intruder» program is the latest specialized development of the Institute of Practical Psychophysics in the field of nonlinear analysis of the activity of microorganisms and helminths, as well as the assessment of their resistance to modern antimicrobial and anti-parasitic drugs. |
![]() WELL BEINGThe Well Being program is the latest development of the Institute of Practical Psychophysics in the field of nonlinear analysis of dysfunctional changes in the organism and assessment of health reserves. |