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Metatron Hospital
Metatron Intruder
Metatron Well Being
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METATRON REMOTE® Health Diagnostic Therapy System
Metatron Intruder Upgraded By Medicomat Ltd For Remote Mode
The «Intruder» program represents the epitome of cutting-edge innovation from the esteemed Institute of Practical Psychophysics. This remarkable development focuses on the intricate analysis of microorganisms and helminths, delving into their activity and evaluating their resistance against contemporary antimicrobial and anti-parasitic medications.
Introducing METATRON REMOTE, an exclusive enhancement meticulously safeguarded by patents and trademarks. This remarkable upgrade empowers the Metatron Intruder to conduct health scanning and administer treatment remotely, regardless of the distance. The entire spectrum of functions and capabilities inherent in the Metatron Intruder bioresonance system remains fully accessible in this remote mode. Furthermore, the enhanced Metatron Intruder can be utilized in two distinct manners: locally, with the aid of headsets, or remotely.
The METATRON REMOTE set encompasses two invaluable components: firstly, the original packaging of the Metatron Intruder, ensuring the preservation of its pristine quality, and secondly, the Medicomat quantum remote devices. Together, these elements form an unparalleled synergy, revolutionizing the realm of health scanning and treatment. Buy the METATRON REMOTE |
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Just submit your personal details and you will receive a health report within hours. Required personal details that determines your Quantum-ID are: name, gender, date of birth, blood type, address, phone. |
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Demonstration of the original program «Intruder»:
The significance of this advancement is determined by the recent emergence of pan-resistant superbugs that are impervious to all currently available antibiotics. As a result, the NLS-method and computer express-assessment of the activity and resistance of numerous pathogenic microorganisms to existing antibacterial and anti-parasitic drugs can potentially serve as the exclusive alternative to contemporary medicine.
Given the escalating number of new antibiotics and the progressive rise in strains with acquired resistance, it is imperative to promptly enhance the precision and swiftness of assessment methods. Furthermore, it is crucial to embark on the development of groundbreaking computer techniques for evaluating the resistance of microorganisms.
The computer NLS-analysis method, devised by the esteemed Institute of Practical Psychophysics, fulfills all contemporary requisites for assessing the activity and resistance of microorganisms to antibacterial drugs.

The computer NLS-analysis method has undergone a remarkable transformation in its approach to assessing antibiotic resistance. These changes have ushered in a new era of sophistication and precision.
Firstly, a groundbreaking concept has been introduced, known as interpretive accounting. This concept takes into account the nonlinear modeling of the microorganism under study, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of antibiotic sensitivity. The data obtained during spectral testing is then meticulously corrected, leading to the issuance of clinically oriented recommendations for therapy. This revolutionary approach ensures that the assessment of antibiotic sensitivity is not only accurate but also tailored to the individual needs of patients.
Secondly, the introduction of virtual etalons of group drugs has revolutionized the research process. This ingenious concept has significantly reduced both the time and volume of research required to obtain reliable results. Researchers can now rely on these virtual benchmarks to guide their investigations, saving valuable time and resources.
Furthermore, a mathematical model of control systems has been developed to enhance the reliability of antibiotic susceptibility assessment. This model acts as a safeguard, minimizing the likelihood of erroneous results. By implementing this mathematical framework, researchers can have utmost confidence in the accuracy of their findings.
Lastly, a remarkable spectral-wave method has been devised to assess the activity and antibiotic sensitivity of microorganisms. This method delves into the intricate world of molecular biology, specifically focusing on the level of internal entropy in protein compounds and the bases of ribonucleic and deoxyribonucleic acids. By studying these molecular intricacies, researchers gain invaluable insights into the effects of antibacterial drugs on microorganisms.
In conclusion, the methodology for assessing antibiotic resistance in the computer NLS-analysis method has undergone a profound transformation. The introduction of interpretive accounting, virtual etalons, mathematical control systems, and the spectral-wave method has elevated the field to unprecedented heights of accuracy and sophistication. These advancements pave the way for more effective and personalized antibiotic therapies, ensuring the well-being of patients around the world.

Disregarding the aforementioned aspects, the acquisition of prompt and dependable outcomes in evaluating the activity of microorganisms and antibiotic sensitivity, as well as the proficient utilization of contemporary antibacterial (anti-parasitic) agents, remains unattainable.
This cutting-edge technology, among its various attributes, perceives the human body and the bacterial (parasitic) agents that inhabit it as an indivisible system of biotic connections. It identifies specific functional alterations within the human physique.
The presence of microorganism-induced organisms serves as a prerequisite not only for infectious ailments but also for psychosomatic disorders. Consequently, it enables a precise definition of the examination program, eliminating superfluous consultations and reducing the duration of the examination. This holds utmost significance in ensuring accurate and timely diagnosis, as well as appropriate treatment.

Please see the Metatron System Comparison for further information.
Just submit your personal details and you will receive a health report within hours. Required personal details that determines your Quantum-ID are: name, gender, date of birth, blood type, address, phone. |
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Metatron Software:
![]() METAPATHIA HOSPITALThe best and the latest «Metapathia Hospital» bioresonance program is based on the «Metapathia GR Clinical» program and includes all its capabilities, etalons and functions. |
![]() INTRUDERThe «Intruder» program is the latest specialized development of the Institute of Practical Psychophysics in the field of nonlinear analysis of the activity of microorganisms and helminths, as well as the assessment of their resistance to modern antimicrobial and anti-parasitic drugs. |
![]() WELL BEINGThe Well Being program is the latest development of the Institute of Practical Psychophysics in the field of nonlinear analysis of dysfunctional changes in the organism and assessment of health reserves. |